Guideline for Calculating the overall Grid Charge
1. Necessary Data
For calculating the overall grid charge the following data is necessary:
Maximum Power P (metered in ¼ h time intervals) in kW (Kilowatt) for the relevant accounting year (annual demand rate system)
Energy consumed over the year in kWh/year (Kilowatthours per year)
Voltage level of the customer connection point
For the maximum power and the consumed energy the respective values of your last electricity bill can be assumed as indicative values.
For customers disposing of their own generation facilities the requested additional grid capacity PR (in ¼-h time intervals) in kW must be disclosed.
Your customer assets are connected to the Amprion GmbH grid at the customer connection point. This connection point can be attributed to the following voltage levels:
Extra High Voltage Level (HöS) | 380 kV or 220 kV |
Transformer level (HöS/HS) | 380 kV or 220 kV to 110 KV |
From the above data the following value necessary for calculating the overall grid fee under the annual demand rate system can be derived:
- Yearly grid usage time T in hours / year
(Ratio between yearly consumed energy and maximum power demand)
The necessary data has to be collected the same way for the monthly demand rate system.
2. Charges for Grid Usage
Fees for Grid Usage also include charges for the provision of necessary system services and cover expenses for the coverage of electrical losses arising from electricity transport.
Depending on the respective Yearly grid usage time the appropriate column in price sheet Amprion 01.01.2013 has to be selected.
Price Sheet Amprion 01.01.2022 incl. levies
In the row representing the connection point voltage level the table contains the respective yearly power and energy rates.
The overall grid usage charge in €/year equals the sum of the two products:
- ,maximum annual power P‘ x ,demand rate LP‘ and
- ,consumed annual energy‘ x ,energy rate AP‘
The displayed demand and energy rates are calculated based on the so called ,coincidence factor‘ representing the non-simultaneous grid usage of different customers.
Customers with a temporary high power demand and a relatively low or no power consumption for the remaining time of the year can opt for the monthly demand rate system as an alternative to the annual demand rate system.
Price sheet Amprion 01.01.2013 contains in the row representing the connection point voltage level the respective monthly demand rate LPM and energy rate APM.
Price Sheet Amprion 01.01.2019 incl. levies
The overall monthly grid usage charge in €/month equals the sum of the two products:
- ,maximum monthly power PM‘ x ,monthly demand rate LPM‘ and
- ,consumed monthly energy WM‘ x ,energy rate APM‘
3. Charges for using grid reserves in case of unexpected power plant shutdowns
Customers with on-site generation facilities (industrial generation, embedded generation) or grid operators with such generators feeding into their networks are entitled to request grid reserves. Such grid reserves can be requested for generation outages due to maintenance or faults within the limits of the respective grid connection capacity with a predefined maximum power and for a maximal annual usage time of 600 hours per settlement year. The grid reserve capacity is limited to the maximal possible power generation of the customer generation facilities connected to a certain grid connection point. Charges for using grid reserves can be found in price sheet Amprion 01.01.2014.
4. Charges for metering and invoicing
Metering facilities at the customer connection point serve for gathering and registering consumed power and energy. Basically, metering is effectuated in ¼ hourly time intervals. Collected meter values are also used for settlement with the energy supplier. Metering facilities have to comply with calibration norms.
Charges for metering and invoicing (supply of necessary metering facilities and meter reading) can be found in price sheet Amprion 01.01.2013 . Further details on metering equipment etc. and specific customer requirements are contractually arranged on an individual basis.
5. Charges for individual grid usage in accordance with § 19 of the German Electricity Regulation on Grid tariffs (StromNEV)
According to § 19 of the StromNEV in cases of special grid usage patterns individual charges can be requested for the respective customer by either the grid operator or the customer himself. According to § 27 StromNEV these charges have to be included in the grid charge publication.
For customers with atypical grid usage individual grid charges according with § 19 section 2 clause 1 or 2 can be found here:
6. § 19 StromNEV
According to the decision by the Federal Network Agency dated December 14th 2011 the § 19 StromNEV levy will be charged to final customers as from January 1st 2012. This § 19 StromNEV levy is aimed at covering revenue shortfalls arising from the provisions of § 19 section 2 StromNEV.
Price Sheet Amprion 01.01.2022 incl. levies
Further details can be found on the website:
7. Additional charges in accordance with the Combined Heat and Power Law (CHP Law)
As from January 1st 2009 the law on sustainment, modernization and extension of Combined Heat and Power generation (CHP Law) has entered into force. According to § 9 section 7 of the CHP law customers are charged a CHP surcharge depending on the consumption per connection point.
8. Offshore-liability-levy
On 28.12.2012 the revised German Energy Act (EnWG) has entered into force. Pursuant to § 17f section 5 EnWG the TSOs are entitled to assert their costs for provided compensations as a surcharge on the grid charges for final consumers. The offshore-liability-levy invoiced to the final consumer depends on the annual consumption at each consumption point. Further details can be found in price sheet.