Tendering Procedure of grid losses for delivery period 2026

The yearly amount of grid losses of Amprion which is procured by tender procedures is structured into particular lots for each delivery period. A tender includes several identical lots of a commercial stock exchange product. (Base Year or Peak Year or Base Quarter or Peak Quarter)

The call and acceptance of tender takes place on the internet platform  www.tso-grid-loss.net (only registered user). A short overview and instruction for the internet platform can be found on our website.

According to the specification of the Bundesnetzagentur Amprion will provide all information in terms of number of lots, amount of energy and structure of each lot three weeks before each tender date at the latest.

On March 26th 2019 European Parliament has decided to abolish the clock change from 2021 onwards. We reserve the right to adapt profiles of grid losses published here accordingly after implementation into national law. Energy prices of the offers awarded before a corresponding decision of the Federal Government remain valid also for adapted profiles.

Current tender and results:

tender date structure of the lot number of lots delivery rate per lot
amount of energy per lot
average price* (€/MWh) maximum price*(€/MWh)
10.10.2024 Base-Year 7 1 8760 83.05 83.20
17.10.2024 Base-Year 7 1 8760 83.71 83.75
24.10.2024 Base-Year 7 1 8760 85.15 85.19
31.10.2024 Base-Year 7 1 8760 82.15 82.19
07.11.2024 Base-Year 7 1 8760 83.83 83.90
14.11.2024 Base-Year 7 1 8760 85.62 85.70
21.11.2024 Base-Year 7 1 8760 89.01 89.10
28.11.2024 Base-Year 7 1 8760 87.22 87.25
05.12.2024 Base-Year 7 1 8760 86.94 86.97
12.12.2024 Base-Year 7 1 8760 86.09 86.10
19.12.2024 Base-Year 7 1 8760 80.80 80.82
09.01.2025 Base-Year 7 1 8760 89.16 89.20
16.01.2025 Base-Year 7 1 8760 93.14 93.17
23.01.2025 Base-Q1 4 4 8636 108.47 108.55
30.01.2025 Base-Year 7 1 8760 96.55 96.59
06.02.2025 Base-Year 7 1 8760 99.31 99.35
13.02.2025 Base-Q1 4 4 8636 113.41 113.67
20.02.2025 Base-Year 7 1 8760 87.94 87.94
27.02.2025 Base-Year 7 1 8760 85.35 85.48
06.03.2025 Base-Q1 4 4 8636 95.63 95.74
13.03.2025 Base-Year 7 1 8760 83.83 83.92
20.03.2025 Base-Year 7 1 8760 86.65 86.80
27.03.2025 Base-Q1 4 4 8636    
03.04.2025 Base-Q4 5 4 8836    
10.04.2025 Base-Year 8 1 8760    
17.04.2025 Base-Q1 5 4 8636    
24.04.2025 Base-Year 8 1 8760    

period of submission on tender date between 5:00 and 11:00 a.m.
*) of the awarded offers


Further information on the tenders can be found at  www.tso-grid-loss.net for registered users.

Documents for the delivery period on 2026

The general conditions for the tender with information on the products, submission of bids, conditions of participation and conclusion of contract are available for download at the bottom of this page. With the award of the contract, the electricity supply contract for the energy to cover losses is concluded between Amprion and the bidder (seller) in accordance with the tendered product, the associated energy quantity (contract quantity) and the price offered. After the award, the bidder can download the awarded lots or results (Auction Results) for his bids from the internet platform.

A prerequisite for participating in the call for tender process is the existence of a valid balance group or subgroup of the participant in the Amprion control area. Participants must be registered on the internet platform. Insofar the participant is not a balance responsible entity himself the participant has to bring forward a document in which the balance responsible entity obligates himself to the full extent towards the participant to handle the delivery of the loss energy to Amprion via his balancing group. The delivery has to be carried out according to the balancing group contract concluded between the balance responsible entity and Amprion.

To participate in the tendering, we would kindly ask you to register once. For registration please use the registration sheet downloadable on our website.

If you have any questions please contact us using the following sserdda liam-e with reference to "Tender grid losses”.

NB: Amprion reserves the right to amend and update all published information as and when necessary.