SIDC: New 15 and 30 minutes cross-border intraday products on bidding zone borders between Belgium, Germany, France and The Netherlands

On Thursday 10 December 2020, the Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) EPEX SPOT and Nord Pool EMCO and Transmission System Operators (TSOs) Amprion, Elia, RTE and TenneT will launch:

  • 30 minutes cross- border products in intraday continuous trading on the Belgian-French border; and
  • 15 and 30 minutes cross- border products in intraday continuous trading on the Belgian-German, Belgian-Dutch and Dutch-German borders.

By the introduction of these products, the TSOs will fulfil the obligation to offer on their borders cross-zonal capacities for the Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) with least common multiple of the imbalance settlement periods (ISP) at respective sides of the bidding zone border.

Advantages for market parties

The introduction of these products will allow market participants to sell or buy cross-border products with the same resolution as the ISPs of the Belgian, Dutch, French and German-Luxembourgian bidding zones. This should enhance the possibilities for imbalance management by market parties, closer to real-time.

Also, the introduction of 15 minutes products on the BE-DE, BE-NL and DE-NL borders and 30 minutes on the BE-FR border enables Belgian and Dutch market parties to access existing market liquidity of 15 minutes products in Germany and Austria, and 30 minutes products in Germany and France where these cross-border products are already in place.

Implementation details

These new cross-border products in Belgium and The Netherlands will be available for cross-border trades via the XBID platform, as of Thursday 10 December 2020.

These products will be supplemental to the 60 minutes cross-border products currently in place. Bids for 15 and 30 minutes products will be added to the shared order books of the NEMOs, which will contain 15, 30 and 60 minutes products.

Bids made for 15, 30 and 60 minutes products will be matched with other cross-border products with the same time resolution. Thus a bid for a 15 minutes product will be matched with another bid for a 15 minutes product. The possible implementation of a cross-product matching functionality in the SIDC platform, by virtue of which multiple 15 minutes products could be matched against a 30 or 60 minutes product, is under further investigation by the TSOs and NEMOs.

As a first step, 24 nominations gates will stay in place on all the borders except for the Dutch-German border, which will already have 96 gates in December 2020. The Belgian-French border will move to 48 gates and the Belgian-Dutch/Belgian-German borders to 96 gates, in 2021.

Timing diagram showing the products on the electricity market at the DE/LU–NL border. Shown are time frames for three product types: hourly product (blue), 30-minute product (red) and 15-minute product (green). All products must be nominated 60 minutes before delivery. The diagram shows nomination periods between 13:00 and 15:00 with a gate closure every 15 minutes, totalling 96 per day. The periods of the products overlap according to their duration.

Figure 1 - Illustration of 15, 30 and 60 minutes products with 24 gates on BE-FR, BE-NL and DE/LU-BE borders as of 10 December 2020

Time diagram for electricity market products at the BE-FR, BE-NL and DE/LU-BE borders. Hourly (blue), 30-minute (red) and 15-minute products (green) are shown, although the latter are not available on the BE-FR border. Various lead times (from 60 to 105 minutes) are shown. Nominations are made every hour (24 gate closures per day). The time windows are marked between 13:00 and 15:00 and show the respective delivery periods for the products.

Figure 2 - Illustration of 15, 30 and 60 minutes products with 96 gates on DE/LU-NL border as of 10 December2020

Next steps

No further action is needed by market participants before go-live.
For more information, please contact your NEMO.

Solveig Wright
Solveig Wright
Amprion GmbH