Press Releases 2024

Das Bild zeigt das Innere eines HVDC-Umrichtersystems in einer HGÜ-Konverterstation (Hochspannungs-Gleichstrom-Übertragung).
Beschreibung der Szene:
Zentrale Hochspannungs-Komponenten:
Links und rechts sind mehrere Reihen von Umrichterventilen gestapelt. Diese bestehen aus metallischen, gerundeten Strukturen mit eingebauten Leistungshalbleitern (z. B. Thyristoren oder IGBTs).
In der Mitte hängt ein besonders großes Modul, das vermutlich Teil des Umrichtersystems ist.
Boden und Sicherheitsbereich:
Der weiße, reflektierende Boden verstärkt das helle Licht und sorgt für eine sterile Umgebung.
Gelb-schwarze Markierungen kennzeichnen den Sicherheitsbereich, da hier hohe Spannungen auftreten.
Menschlicher Maßstab:
Eine Person in gelber Schutzkleidung mit Helm und Sicherheitsbrille steht in der Mitte und wirkt im Vergleich zur Anlage klein.
Die Anwesenheit des Mitarbeiters verdeutlicht die gigantische Dimension der HVDC-Technologie.
Die Halle ist hochmodern, sauber und intensiv beleuchtet.
Zahlreiche Kabel und Leitungen verlaufen an der Decke, vermutlich für die Stromversorgung und Steuerung der Umrichtertechnik.

Hitachi Energy wins over 2 billion euros order from Amprion

Amprion’s HVDC project, Korridor B, will transport wind energy from the North Sea coast to the Ruhr Region to provide power to 4 million people. HVDC Light® technology supports the TSO’s strategy to deliver Germany’s Net-Zero targets.

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Amprion launches tender for decentralised grid booster

The transmission system operator Amprion is inviting tenders for the decentralised grid booster in order to reduce redispatch costs

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Amprion receives RGI Grid Award for world-beating technology

Amprion has been honoured with the prestigious RGI Grid Award from the Renewables Grid Initiative in the “Technological Innovation & System Integration” category – for developing and installing the world’s first STATCOM system with a reactive power rating of 300 Mvar and grid forming.

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Amprion issues €1.1 billion of green bonds

Amprion today successfully issued another green bond totalling €1.1 billion. The bond was issued in two tranches and met with great interest from investors.

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Wind power for North Rhine-Westphalia and the Rhine-Main region: Amprion awards civil engineering contracts worth billions

Amprion has awarded civil engineering contracts for more than 1,300 kilometers of underground cable route. The contracts for the direct current projects Korridor B and Rhein-Main-Link were concluded with three consortia. Amprion had developed a new contract model for the tender, which has already won international awards.

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Amprion reports a successful first half of 2024: results and investments in grid expansion on target

Amprion achieved sound results in the first six months of this year and, as planned, invested €1.3 billion in grid expansion. In May, the company once again issued a €1 billion green dual-tranche bond on the international capital market. In publishing its second Green Finance Investor Report, Amprion is providing transparent reporting on the use of the funds raised from green bonds.

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Amprion scores top marks in Sustainable Fitch ESG ratings

Transmission system operator Amprion has once again received an outstanding ESG rating from renowned rating agency Sustainable Fitch.

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Amprion lines up management team for the future

Transmission system operator Amprion builds on a strong management team. When he joins the Management Board on 1 July 2024, Dr Christoph Müller will assume the position of Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) before succeeding Dr Hans-Jürgen Brick as Chairman of the Management Board (CEO) on 1 January 2025.The Supervisory Board is prematurely extending the contract of CFO Peter Rüth by a further five years.

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Amprion increases syndicated loan agreement by €600 million

The transmission system operator Amprion has successfully in-creased the volume of its existing syndicated loan agreement with its banking partners by means of an amendment agreement. The credit line has been increased by €600 million to a total of €2,600 million.

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Amprion has secured cable supply capacities for sections of the Korridor B and Rhein-Main-Link projects by awarding a contract and signing a Preferred Supplier Agreement with the Japanese company Sumitomo Electric. These production capacities – with a total volume in excess of €3 billion – are to be built up in Germany.

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Amprion successfully issues a green bond for €1 billion

Amprion has once again successfully placed a green dual-tranche bond with a total nominal value of €1 billion on the international capital market. The green dual-tranche bond was issued under Amprion’s €9 billion debt issuance programme. The order book was several times oversubscribed.

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Fitch Ratings affirms “BBB+” rating with stable outlook for Amprion

The international rating agency Fitch Ratings has awarded Amprion again a Long-Term Issuer Default Rating “BBB+” with a stable outlook as part of its annual review.

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Das Bild zeigt eine große Konverterstation der Firma Amprion, die auf gelben Stahlstützen im Meer errichtet wurde. Die Struktur ist massiv und modern, mit weißer Außenverkleidung und dem Amprion-Logo auf beiden Seiten. Auf der Oberseite der Anlage befindet sich eine Plattform mit einem Hubschrauberlandeplatz, der durch ein Stahlgerüst gestützt wird. Im Hintergrund sind zahlreiche Windräder zu sehen, die auf einen Offshore-Windpark hinweisen. Der Himmel ist teils bewölkt, und das Meer wirkt ruhig.

Amprion accelerates grid expansion and invests more than ever before

Transmission system operator Amprion is stepping up the pace of grid expansion and continues to grow. In the past financial year, investments more than doubled to a record level of around €3 billion. By 2028 Amprion plans to invest around €27.5 billion in the expansion and upgrading of the transmission grid.

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Moody‘s affirms "Baa1" rating with stable outlook for Amprion

As part of its annual review, the transmission system operator Amprion GmbH ("Amprion") has again received a "Baa1" rating with stable outlook from the international rating agency Moody's Ratings.

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Annual results conference call for investors and analysts

Amprion will publish its annual report for the financial year 2023 on Thursday, 11th April 2024 and invites investors and analysts to the annual results conference call.

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​​Amprion awards billion-euro contract to cable manufacturer NKT​

​​By awarding the contract to the Danish company NKT, Amprion has secured cable capacities for the HVDC connection Korridor B as well as an important section of the EnLAG 14 line project.

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Network Development Plan for the Climate-Neutral Transmission Grid Confirmed

For the first time, the Federal Network Agency confirms more projects than actually envisaged in the second draft of the Network Development Plan (NDP); Collaboration between electricity and gas TSOs to be intensified in the next NDP

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Prysmian signs contracts worth in aggregate around €5 billion with Amprion.

Prysmian has finalised three contracts worth in aggregate around €5 billion with Amprion for two offshore grid connection systems — BalWin1 and BalWin2 — and the underground cable project DC34.

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​​Science Based Targets initiative confirms Amprion's CO2 reduction targets​

The CO2 reduction targets of the transmission system operator Amprion are in line with the Paris Climate Agreement.

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