Studien und Stellungnahmen 2018
Flow based market coupling (04/2018)
Development of the market and grid situation
In the current debate on the further development of the Flow based market coupling (FBMC) the most prominent criticism is the alleged limitation of cross-zonal exchanges by TSOs. This is supposed to be due to insufficient coordination amongst TSOs and, more importantly, the discrimination of cross-zonal exchanges in favor of internal exchanges.
Regrettably, the significant progress of market integration over the last years as well as the strong mutual support between TSOs during critical electricity grid and supply situations rarely gets mentioned in this context.
Right from the very beginning of market integration, Amprion has together with its neighboring TSOs been actively participating in a large number of regional and European initiatives, including the CWE, NWE, MRC and CORE market coupling as well as the XBID, TSC, SSC and IGCC projects1. This report provides evidence for the significant mutual benefits resulting from our strong and steadily enhanced cooperation with TSOs of the CWE region and beyond.
Bidding Zone Review Report (04/2018)
Following the process outlined in the European Union Regulation establishing a Guideline on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management, the First Edition of the Bidding Zone Review including the resulting proposal has been delivered by the participating transmission system operators (TSOs).
The First Edition of the Bidding Zone Review was open for public consultation until March 9th. The participating TSOs have taken the feedback received from stakeholders into account. Acting as facilitator and supporting TSOs, ENTSO-E has published the Review on its website.
The participating TSOs have submitted their recommendation to their respective Member States and National Regulatory Authorities. In accordance with the above-mentioned regulatory process, the concerned Member States or where designated the concerned National Regulatory Authorities, have now six months (until September 30th) to reach an agreement on whether to ultimately maintain or amend the bidding zones configuration.
Download: Bidding Zone Review Report
Second Report on Generation Adequacy Assessment within PLEF Region (01/2018)
With this report, the Transmission System Operators (TSOs) of the PLEF region (AT, BE, CH, DE, FR, LU, NL) are cooperating in order to develop new methodologies and investigate the security of the electricity supply (SoS) – the serving of the electricity demand of all customers - on European regional level. This study is an important outcome of the TSO collaboration at the regional level.