Pictures of the Erection of Overhead Lines

All image files offered here for download may only be used for editorial work. Any commercial use beyond this is prohibited. If one of the images offered here for download is used, a proof of copyright must be provided.

Overhead lines

Overhead lines

Copyright: Amprion GmbH / Haslauer

Overhead lines

Overhead lines

Copyright: Amprion GmbH / Haslauer

Overhead lines

Freileltungsmonteur am Seil.

Overhead lines

Copyright: Amprion GmbH

Overhead lines

Mehrere Freileitungsmonteure während der Arbeit.

Overhead lines

Copyright: Amprion GmbH / Daniel Schumann

Overhead lines

Freileitungsmonteur an Traverse

Overhead lines

Copyright: Amprion GmbH

Overhead lines

Freileitungsmonteur an Mast

Overhead lines

Copyright: Amprion GmbH

Overhead lines

Seilzug Makro

Overhead lines

Copyright: Amprion GmbH

Overhead lines

Seilzug, hier Seilwinde

Overhead lines

Copyright: Amprion GmbH