Federal Requirements Plan
The Federal Requirements Plan is based on the network development plans, which the Federal Network Agency submits to the Federal Government. The Government is obliged to submit a draft of the Federal Requirements Plan to the Bundestag (lower house of the national parliament) at least every four years (up to 2015 every three years). This identifies the power line construction projects from the Network Development Plan that are necessary from the point of view of the energy supply and for which there is an urgent need. Only the fixed points, such as the starting and end points of the lines, are defined, but not the actual route. The power line construction projects are decided upon and enacted by the Bundestag in the Federal Requirements Plan Act. The transmission system operators are then obliged to implement these projects.
Amprion as a project developer
The Federal Requirements Plan Act of 2013 was amended in 2015 and complements the projects that had been laid down in the Energy Grid Expansion Act (EnLAG) that had been passed in 2009. We are obliged to implement the power line construction projects stipulated in these laws that fall within our control area.
More information on the Federal Requirements Plan can be found at Netzausbau.de