We at Amprion have been committed to bird protection for over 20 years. Back then, we worked with bird conservation organisations, scientists and ornithologists to investigate how birds behave in the vicinity of overhead lines, why collisions can occur and how they can be avoided. Our goal: We want to operate a grid that is as bird-friendly as possible.
Birds use extra-high-voltage power lines in different ways: Birds of prey, for example, use them as a perch to look out for prey. Other birds, such as starlings, gather on overhead lines and pylons for migration. In regions where tall trees are scarce, some bird species also breed on electricity pylons. The risk of electrocution is rather low on extra-high-voltage lines, thanks to the large insulation distance. Amprion takes various measures to make the grid as bird-friendly as possible.

Bird protection in the area of our overhead lines has many facets. Here you can get an overview of bird protection projects at Amprion:
Heath landscape near Mörfelden-Walldorf
There is a route with three parallel overhead lines in the immediate vicinity of Frankfurt Airport. A concept for integrated vegetation management was developed in 1991. Since then, maintenance has been consistently focussed on the needs of the flora and fauna typical of the region. With great success: although it borders two motorways and Frankfurt Airport, the bird protection area is now one of the five best breeding areas for woodlarks and wrynecks in Hesse. It is even the best breeding area in Hesse for pairs of stonechats, which mainly breed in the heathland under the overhead line.
Thanks to the targeted maintenance of the heathland, the populations of rare bird species there have developed so favourably that the overhead line route has been integrated into the ‘Mönchbruch and forests near Mörfelden-Walldorf and Groß-Gerau’ bird protection area. Such an enhancement to the standards of a Natura 2000 protected area is very rare - and confirms the effectiveness of our integrated vegetation management.
Bird sightings and power grid portal
The ‘Vogelfund & Stromnetz’ portal, which has been operated by Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V. (NABU) and the Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI) since 2017, is an initiative to improve bird protection in the power grid. Bird carcasses found near overhead lines can be reported via the portal. The findings are recorded, analyzed by experts and displayed on an interactive map.
The aim is to identify further line areas where bird protection measures could be installed and to exchange information with other German grid operators on effective measures. Amprion is supporting this project in order to reduce the risks to birds in our grid area.
Click here to go to the NABU reporting page.
LIFE Eurokite - More protection for birds of prey in Europe
In 2019, the Central European Society for the Conservation of Birds of Prey (MEGEG) launched the LIFE EUROKITE project - a Europe-wide conservation project for birds of prey that Amprion is supporting financially. LIFE EUROKITE is analysing the spatial and habitat use, for example breeding areas, resting and roosting sites and flight routes of various raptor species. The focus is on the red kite, which also gave the project its name. Further information can be found on the project homepage: