Around 29 million people live in our grid area. Around a third of Germany's economic output is generated here. This entails a great responsibility for us: Our power lines and substations are essential for the functioning of society and cost-effectiveness. Minimising the impact of electricity transmission on the environment and biodiversity is a top priority for us.
We apply the highest standards of nature and species protection during the planning, construction and operation of our lines and assets. Our careful soil protection before, during and after construction work ensures that valuable functions of natural and agricultural land are preserved as far as possible. We have been practising effective integrated vegetation management for decades and are committed to bird protection. We compensate unavoidable interventions in our projects as part of our impact compensation programme.
We also regularly review how we can make our power lines and assets even more environmentally friendly through our continuous voluntary commitment. The aim of all these measures is to fulfil our responsibility to protect nature and species - now and in the future.