Financial Report 2023

Transmission system operator Amprion is stepping up the pace of grid expansion and continues to grow. In the past financial year, investments more than doubled to a record level of around €3 billion.

Financial Report

Sustainability Report

We are preparing the way for a sustainable energy system that is climate-neutral, safe and efficient.

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Ein Hubschrauber in unmittelbarer Nähe der Leitung.

Amprion connects

Our power lines are lifelines of society: They secure jobs and quality of life for 29 million people.

About us

Key topics

Grid Expansion

The expansion of the grid is intended to create a “breathing” system that can balance out the fluctuating infeeds from renewable energy sources.

Das Bild zeigt eine Luftaufnahme einer Umspannanlage.


We keep our network stable and safe to transport electricity reliably and efficiently to the people and companies in our grid area.

Das Titelbild des Nachhaltigkeitsberichts zeigt zwei Mitarbeiter vor einer Stromtrasse in einem Rapsfeld. Im Hintergrund sind Windräder zu sehen.


As a transmission system operator, we have a great deal of responsibility and make important contributions to the transformation of the energy system.